Logistic Regression Basics

Logistic regression is a method for calculating probabilities for problems with limited (often two) potential outcomes. Unlike linear regression, it ensures values can never be greater than 1 or less than 0.

Before we discuss how it works: Why not just use linear regression?

Suppose you label a set of two possibilities (say, whether an email is spam) as “0” and “1”. With linear regression, you’d create a straight line that best tries to fit those two highly different outcomes. That usually isn’t ideal for a few reasons.

Firstly: the line can be extrapolated beyond the bounds of 0 and 1. For a binary outcome, this is impossible: you can’t have a 110% chance (or a -10% chance) that something will happen.

Similarly, linear regression doesn’t output probabilities, it just attempts to minimize the distance between points and the hyperplane.

By contrast, logistic regression creates an S-shaped curve that:

  • Cannot have values greater than 1 or less than 0
  • Can have its results interpreted as probabalistic outcomes

So what is logistic regression?

Logistic regression uses the sigmoid function, that is:

    \[y' = frac{1}{1 + e^{-z}}\]

to output a value between zero and 1. If z represents the output of the linear model, sigmoid(z) will yield a probability of a classification.

In the above:

  • y’: Output of the logistic regression for an example
  • z: b + w_1x_1 + w_2x_2 + ... + w_nx_n –> that is, the output of the linear regression model

Conversely, z is often called the “log odds”, because the inverse of the sigmoid asserts z is the log of the probabilty of the “1” label divided by teh probability of the “0” label. That is:

    \[z = log(frac{y}{1-y})\]

technically you could have value outputs above 1 or below zero. This is obviously aburd: there is never, say, a 110% or -5% chance an email is spam – it has to be between 0-1.

Similarly, linear regression doesn’t output probabilities, it just attempts to minimize the distance between the points and the hyperplane – that hyperplane cannot be interpreted as probabilities.

In short: the problem is when we’re working with binary data, we don’t want a straight line to separate “0” and “1” examples, we’re more interested in the data that is almost certainly true, the data that is almost certainly false, a

By contrast, logistic regression attempts to squeeze the output

Logistic regression and loss functions

While linear regression uses squared loss as its loss function, logistic regression uses log loss. That is:

    \[Log Loss = sum_{(x,y)in D} -y log(y') - (1-y)log(1-y')\]


  • (x,y)in D: the data set
  • y: the label in a labeled example
  • y’: The predicted value (somewhere between 0 and 1)

Regularizing Logistic Regregssion

Regularization is important in logistic regression modeling, otherwise data will become very overfit. Most logistic regression models either stop early, or use L_2 regularization.

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